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Three summaries of the incarnation dot the pages of Titus, providing a framework for the Christian to view the work of God in the world.

Read more about the book of Titus.

Resources on this Scripture

Titus: Plain Talk for Pastors

Titus brings a word of caution, a reminder that good works must accompany our proclamation of the truth and our defence of the Gospel. The two letters to Timothy encourage him to protect and to preach, while the letter to Titus instructs him to practice those things. While good works in no way lead to salvation, they are the irrefutable evidence of true salvation.

What If a Person Is an Unrepentant Troublemaker?

Throughout the history of the Church, there have been those who stirred up trouble and caused dissension. Unfortunately, there are always a few who refuse to repent even when confronted. Admittedly, these situations represent one of the more difficult and unpleasant aspects of ministry and the Christian life.

Family as a Priority

Today’s workplace demands much from us: creativity, leadership, ideas, and enthusiasm. Oftentimes we’re tempted to give our workplace the best of us. If you are drowning in a lack of energy at home, you are doing too much outside to stay afloat. Learn to say “no.”


Titus 2:6-8

Alluring and deceptive baits are everywhere. The Internet, television, magazines...and you may feel like you’re the only one not giving in. But you’re not alone! Commit to purity!
