Laughing When Discouraged
What do you do when you lose heart? We've all been there. You're so discouraged you just want to give up. One of the best cures for discouragement is a good laugh.
What do you do when you lose heart? We've all been there. You're so discouraged you just want to give up. One of the best cures for discouragement is a good laugh.
Just as it is vital to remove the root in order to ensure that the weed will not just grow back, it is essential to bring light to the source of our sin and allow the Holy Spirit to sanctify our hearts, removing sin’s roots.
Infidelity destroys everything in its path—marriages, families, and the future. One of the greatest gifts you can give to your spouse and your family is your fidelity.
As an adult you impact others’ lives. Don’t forget that. Your life is on display whether you like it or not, and most of us don’t like it.
Erosion is slow, silent, and subtle. That’s why compromise can so quickly lead to erosion—it isn’t always bad, but when we compromise on God’s Word erosion beings to take place. And that leads to destruction.
Contentment is the unknown “X” in life’s equation. Face it. You and I are afraid that if we open the door of contentment, two uninvited guests will rush in: loss of prestige and laziness.
Without a direct revelation from God it's impossible to know for sure, but circumstances might suggest the possibility that we have indeed experienced a special visitation. I have two such experiences.
To summarize Scripture, the issue is not that possessions are wrong. It’s our attitude toward them. It is the LOVE of money and things that Scripture condemns. Anything we trust in besides God is an idol.
Thinking about the wisdom of experience and a long life of learning I sat down with my dad. I wanted to pick his brain about the important things he's learned over the years about being a husband, father, and pastor.
No really, what would you do for 10 million dollars? Although it’s easier for us to trust in money than in God, much of the time it can bring no lasting satisfaction, only a desire for more.