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Acts has two sections: Peter’s ministry in Jerusalem and Samaria and following Paul’s missionary journeys throughout the Roman Empire.

Read more about the book of Acts.

Resources on this Scripture

Beyond the Broadcast: What If You Struggle With a Permanent Disability?

Shame and pride keep our disabilities safely tucked out of sight. In shame, we fear the humiliation of finger-pointing when others see our weaknesses, and in pride, we suppose that a show of perfection will elevate us to heights of success and acceptance.

Prevailing through Prayer

God’s miraculous power might seem distant or theoretical at times, but it’s not. It is real! The Acts of the Apostles proves it, teeming with true stories of supernatural encounters and glorious surprises. In this lesson, we discover how God used intercessory prayer to perform an incredible miracle in the life of Peter, the fisherman-turned-apostle.

Adolescents in Adult Bodies

Although young in the faith, those Jerusalem believers demonstrated a commendable growth toward maturity. But this condition was not found throughout all congregations. As is true today, there were some who were old enough to be well on their way to maturity, but they preferred to remain immature and irresponsible…adolescents in adult bodies.