In the end, God Wins...and We Win...When God Wins!
In the midst of struggles and storms, battles and trials, we focus beyond the present moment and we see victory. We see relief, because in the end, God wins!
In the midst of struggles and storms, battles and trials, we focus beyond the present moment and we see victory. We see relief, because in the end, God wins!
The word translated “inspired” in 2 Timothy 3:16 literally means “God-breathed” and expresses the concept of exhalation by God. The Scriptures are the product of God having breathed them out.
Join Chuck Swindoll as he helps seminary students navigate those difficult relationships and serve with wisdom and love.
We’re no longer shocked and outraged by human depravity. Perhaps that’s why the Bible sometimes backs up the truck and unloads a descriptive deluge of indecency on us. That’s exactly what we get in 2 Timothy 3:1-9.
Don’t be distracted by difficulties or hampered by hardships; don’t despair because you don’t have the highest IQ, the richest portfolio, or the finest pedigree. Rather, master a few great, majestic, unchanging, simple, glorious truths—and be mastered by them.
There can be no more reliable authority on earth than God’s Word, the Bible. This timeless, trustworthy source of truth holds the key that unlocks life’s mysteries.
No one enters a race hoping to come in second. Runners run to win. Paul ran to win (2 Timothy 4:7-8). And he wanted the same for Timothy—for him to finish well. But how? Second Timothy 3:14–17 provides the answer.
Wise living chooses to understand and respond to all of life—our relationships, our work, our words, and our money—from God’s viewpoint.
A grace-filled death only comes about after a grace-filled life. Like few others, Paul lived with grace and died with grace—grace to the very end.
Being trustworthy means showing up, ready and available, season after season. Showing up is a crucial part of faithfulness—and sometimes the hardest part.