Every Crutch Removed
When God removes a crutch from our lives, the process is painful, but the result is beautiful. David too went through this process, just like we do.
When God removes a crutch from our lives, the process is painful, but the result is beautiful. David too went through this process, just like we do.
Rebellious; selfish; litigious: each an apt description of modern society. Gone are the days, or so it seems, of teachable spirits, humility, and respect for authority.
A sheltering tree is a great description of a friend. We all need friends who will stand by us, in good times and bad. Going it alone is not how we’re wired.
At the bottom of his life, all crutches removed, David crawled into a cave in the Judean wilderness. He was disillusioned, hurt, lonely, and afraid. It was, up to that time, the lowest moment of his entire life. But God had a whole new direction for him to take.
Grace can mean unmerited favour—extending special favour to someone who doesn’t deserve it, who hasn’t earned it, and who can never repay it. Every once in a while, we come across a scene in Scripture and we stand amazed at such amazing grace.
After being pursued by Saul all over southern Israel and with the opportunity to take his vengeance, David resisted and offered us a glimpse of what it looks like to turn the other cheek.
Nowhere in 1 Samuel 25 does it mention her physical appearance or age. In a world obsessed with youth and beauty, examples like Abigail remind me how living for God creates character with remarkable, unmatched beauty.
This Searching the Scriptures study showcases Abigail, an intelligent and beautiful woman who appears only briefly in the grand narrative of Scripture, but who sparkles with wisdom and faith.
Pastor Chuck will continue his series on integrity with a look at the story of Abigail, a woman of remarkable wisdom and courage.
Abigail from the Old Testament had impressive character. Her example serves as inspiration for how individuals can navigate difficult situations with wisdom, humility, and resourcefulness.