Strengthening Your Grip on Godliness
Who had more of God than the Israelites in Moses’ day? But they were ungrateful, hardened, and faithless. Their Great Deliverer, in their eyes, had become a cruel taskmaster.
Struggling through reading the lesser-known Old Testament passages and long prophetic oracles may seem to have little relevance to everyday 21st-century life. But there are important things we can learn from the Old Testament. First, the New Testament is based on the Old Testament. Second, the Old Testament reveals the character of God. Third, the Old Testament has transformational power. Its message transcends time, geography, and culture. It speaks to everyone, everywhere, in every situation.
Who had more of God than the Israelites in Moses’ day? But they were ungrateful, hardened, and faithless. Their Great Deliverer, in their eyes, had become a cruel taskmaster.
From the biblical text it didn't seem like Isaiah involved himself in changing the moral or spiritual landscape of his country—at least, not until he faced a heartbreaking loss and then had a life-changing encounter with God.
Caleb remained forever young, even though he had every reason to back off, fade into oblivion, and give up with a long, heavy sigh as he snuggled down into a bed of moth balls. No way! As we shall observe, Caleb stayed in the mainstream—in fact, on the front edge of new and fresh challenges.
Do you need wisdom so you can become skilled at godly living? Then become a student of Proverbs. It can transform your way of thinking.
In Ecclesiastes 1:14, King Solomon says “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” If there is nothing to be hopeful about “under the sun,” there must be something beyond it.
There’s nothing like talking to someone who has been there to learn what it’s all about. Where are you looking for answers to learn the meaning of life? Take it from King Solomon, you won’t find it in anywhere but in Christ.
King Solomon called the attempt to find meaning in this world, “chasing after the wind.” In his journal, the book of Ecclesiastes, he talks about the difficulty of a life lived apart from Christ.
Reading the book of Proverbs will give you reverence for the Lord. We need that today. A deep reverence and respect for God.
King Solomon lived out his dreams. He enjoyed every pleasure the world had to offer, and it came up short. Solomon discovered living a life devoted to pleasure is meaningless.
If you need wisdom to become skilled at godly living, become a student of the Proverbs. It’s one of the riches volumes of vertical wisdom for horizontal living ever written.