Life’s Most Subtle Temptation
After being pursued by Saul all over southern Israel and with the opportunity to take his vengeance, David resisted and offered us a glimpse of what it looks like to turn the other cheek.
Struggling through reading the lesser-known Old Testament passages and long prophetic oracles may seem to have little relevance to everyday 21st-century life. But there are important things we can learn from the Old Testament. First, the New Testament is based on the Old Testament. Second, the Old Testament reveals the character of God. Third, the Old Testament has transformational power. Its message transcends time, geography, and culture. It speaks to everyone, everywhere, in every situation.
After being pursued by Saul all over southern Israel and with the opportunity to take his vengeance, David resisted and offered us a glimpse of what it looks like to turn the other cheek.
At the bottom of his life, all crutches removed, David crawled into a cave in the Judean wilderness. He was disillusioned, hurt, lonely, and afraid. It was, up to that time, the lowest moment of his entire life. But God had a whole new direction for him to take.
When God removes a crutch from our lives, the process is painful, but the result is beautiful. David too went through this process, just like we do.
Following his battle with Goliath, in the backwash of that great victory, David stepped into an arena which was almost more than he could take. Knowing it was coming, God graciously provided him with a close, understanding friend. His name was Jonathan.
Goliath is doubtlessly the most famous heathen in the entire Bible. Christians and non-Christians alike are able to relate the story that transpired centuries ago in the valley of Elah. But there is so much more than a shepherd lad who killed a giant.
The therapeutic value of music is nothing new. So it was with David, the youthful king-elect, who was more than a faithful shepherd and a man of valour. He was first known as a skilful musician, a talent that brought him face-to-face with his predecessor, King Saul.
David showed himself strong in the little things…so God selected him for big things. Take a look at how that selection transpired.
“A man after God's own heart” can only refer to one person in Scripture: David. The youngest son of Jesse. On and on we could go, but first, focus on God’s working and preparation behind the scenes.
Grace can mean unmerited favour—extending special favour to someone who doesn’t deserve it, who hasn’t earned it, and who can never repay it. Every once in a while, we come across a scene in Scripture and we stand amazed at such amazing grace.
Even though Saul behaved in an un-kingly manner, he was still the Lord’s anointed—a role that demanded respect. How would David respond to Saul: by kneeling before a king or attacking an enemy?