Hope Beyond Religion: A Job Description for Shepherds
A godly leader has the responsibility to care for and to protect his flock. Hear Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s call to embrace the way of the shepherd.
What words come to mind when you hear the term theology? Dry…Dreary…Doubtful…DULL? You’re not alone.
Too often we don’t realize that theology—thinking about God—is an intimate part of our everyday lives, rather than something that takes place in ivory towers crowded with bearded men crouched over dusty books. We each engage in theology because we each have a set of beliefs about God. But rather than being content with our ideas about God as they now stand, we should each have a desire to know God better than we do today. If you’ve got that desire, then you’re ready to do theology!
Let these resources point the way to a faith more deeply connected with who God actually says He is.
A godly leader has the responsibility to care for and to protect his flock. Hear Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s call to embrace the way of the shepherd.
Receive Pastor Chuck Swindoll exhortation to live with grace under pressure. See how God can use even the darkest seasons to spur you on to maturity.
First Peter 4:7–11 urges readers to have good judgment, to stay fervent in love, to be hospitable, and to serve others. Learn your part in God’s army as Pastor Chuck Swindoll delves into Peter’s marching orders for soldiers of the cross.
Live differently with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he shows how you can draw unbelievers to Jesus through your authentic behaviour.
Enter into the fascinating message of 1 Peter 3:18–22 with Pastor Chuck Swindoll to see the essential truth that Jesus’ death and Resurrection (and everything He did in between) offers believers abundant hope.
Look up with Pastor Chuck Swindoll and see how you can find hope when life isn’t fair.
You can’t play games fairly without keeping the rules and the same logic applies to life. Rules set boundaries for us in how we should live but they don’t stop us from stop doing what wrong. God’s law is not the cause of our wrongdoing it simply reveals it to us.
Foster your growth with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he exposits 1 Peter 3:8–12. Discover how mature Christians pursue unity, affection, compassion, humility, forgiveness, and peace.
God does His best work in you after you’ve exhausted your own strength. He doesn’t use “super-strong” people. He uses the inadequate and ill equipped, “...for when I am weak, then I am strong.”
Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains from Scripture how husbands should treat their wives and how wives should respond. Discover how you can strengthen your marriage to be a powerful expression of God’s goodness, glory, and grace!