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Sin isn’t a popular word. Most people think of sin as doing something really bad, like murder, assault, or robbery. But the word “sin” has the idea of missing the mark, not hitting the target.

The idea is that God has set a glorious standard and when we fail to live by it, we sin. We say, do, and think things that are contrary to God's standard, and the problem is that no matter how much we try and achieve change by ourselves, we just can't succeed.

The Bible teaches that our nature is imprisoned to sin. We miss the mark because we choose creation over the Creator. We look to succeed by our own strength, yet we never shake our own selfish sin. No matter what our education, religious heritage, ethnicity, or financial status, we cannot overcome the power of sin by ourselves. This is a problem.

Messages on this Topic

I'm the Problem

1 John 5:16-18

You can’t play games fairly without keeping the rules and the same logic applies to life. Rules set boundaries for us in how we should live but they don’t stop us from stop doing what wrong. God’s law is not the cause of our wrongdoing it simply reveals it to us.

Self-Portrait of a Struggler

Romans 7:24

Unfortunately, the battle between right and wrong, good and evil, will always be at war within us. Despite our best efforts, we will always be strugglers. But Christ enables us to overcome wrong. He gives us the power to do what’s right.

Jesus Loves Me

1 Timothy 1:15

No matter what you’ve done God loves you. The Apostle Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament, calls himself the worst of sinners. Before he met Christ he killed Christians and yet he was rescued by God’s grace. And you can be too.

Free From Slavery

Romans 6:6-7

Sometimes as believers we become preoccupied with what we do wrong—we live as though we’re still slaves to sin. Instead, our focus should be on following Christ. He has set us free, and gives us the power to live free.

No Way Out

Matthew 6:34

Sometimes it seems like your situation is hopeless and your life is unredeemable. But the truth is, there is freedom. In life there are two masters. One is an enemy, who will put you into bondage and a deathlike existence. The other is your Redeemer and Friend. You can only serve one, and the choice is yours.

It's Tough Getting Started

Ecclesiastes 2:13

The Christian life is tough to get started because it’s not just a new way of thinking it’s a whole new way of living. It’s like moving from darkness to light; from being self-centred to being like Christ. But as you persevere, the journey keeps getting better and better.
