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The problem with an often-told story is trying to hear it the way it originally unfolded and affected people. The Christmas story is a prime example…familiar and predictable. But the events surrounding the birth of Jesus were anything but expected! So much so that most of the Jewish people who were eagerly waiting for their Messiah totally missed His arrival!

Insight for Living offers a number of helpful resources that can help you see the Christmas story from a fresh, new angle. See this wondrous event through the eyes of the ordinary, everyday people whom God chose to involve. You’ll come away with a better understanding of the original meaning behind it all and with a heart bursting with gratitude for the incarnation of the Son of God.

Messages on this Topic

Anticipating Christmas

Luke 6:35

One of the great things about the Christmas season is the anticipation. Excitement runs high leading up to Christmas. There is so much to look forward to; the feelings around the season can’t be beat. But what do you do when it’s over?

Gifts We Need

Have you ever been given a gift you needed but didn’t want? We’ve all received disappointing gifts. But there are gifts, which never disappoint. They’re often unseen gifts like forgiveness, compassion, grace, understanding, and kindness. And they’re priceless.


Not nostalgia, not tradition, not trees. Grace is what continually draws us into celebrating Christmas, year after year. Giving is what makes Christmas great. It’s a wonderful feeling to give a gift without expecting anything in return. This is a good way for us to understand God’s grace—His gifts come with no strings attached.
