Pray about everything. When you pray you’re giving your worries to God. He understands what you’re worrying about and He knows exactly what He’s doing. If you leave it to Him, He’ll work it out.
Pray about everything. When you pray you’re giving your worries to God. He understands what you’re worrying about and He knows exactly what He’s doing. If you leave it to Him, He’ll work it out.
We tend to get angry when things don’t go the way we want. A good sense of humour can turn irritation into laughter. Next time things don’t go your way refuse to let your circumstances dampen your joy.
How specific are you in your prayers? When you talk to God, talk about your needs—don’t beat around the bush! God does His most ideal work when we are in an impossible situation. And He always proves Himself faithful.
We have always been fascinated with stories—especially the ones beginning with those same four words “Once upon a time…” and ending with “And they all lived happily ever after.” Oh, that it were true! Living happily ever after only happens in fairy tales. Wish instead for a full life, one that's satisfied, godly, balanced…and reasonably sweet.
Conflicts among God's people are commonplace. But it doesn't have to be this way.
From time to time it’s a good idea to re-examine your priorities. It’s so easy to fill your life with unimportant things, leaving little time for what really matters.
Anxiety can be an addiction. The good news is that God has provided an escape—a way of liberation to laugh again.
Greed is a desire for more. More power, more pleasure, more money, more stuff. But the more greed in your life the more it robs you of peace, joy, and contentment.
The theme of Philippians is the joy that comes from being confident that Christ is in full control.
This lesson will help us open up the lines of continual communication with our Lord, giving us joy, hope, and stability in our anxiety-producing world.