Bulldog Persistence
Even when it appears someone has achieved success overnight, it’s usually the result of persistence and perseverance. Whatever the task is, stay at it!
Even when it appears someone has achieved success overnight, it’s usually the result of persistence and perseverance. Whatever the task is, stay at it!
God has chosen to leave us on earth to proclaim the Good News to a lost and hurting world.
Are you the worrying type—fearful of the possibilities tomorrow may hold but also grieving mistakes of the past? As we stand at the beginning of a new year, we must admit that we can’t predict the future and we can’t change the past. Trying to do either is a waste of time and energy. Learn from Philippians 3 and Hebrews 12 how to keep your eyes focused on Jesus and run your race of faith today.
Read Paul's words in Philippians 3:12-16 as a call for action…deliberate, immediate, and personal involvement.
Just days before ringing in a new decade, here's help for adopting the right mindset for going forward instead of backward.
No one will ever know how much energy the human race has wasted through worry. Today, we want to think along scriptural guidelines as we rediscover a life characterized by rest instead of rush, calm instead of confusion, peace instead of panic, tranquility instead of turmoil.
Pray about everything. When you pray you’re giving your worries to God. He understands what you’re worrying about and He knows exactly what He’s doing. If you leave it to Him, He’ll work it out.
We tend to get angry when things don’t go the way we want. A good sense of humour can turn irritation into laughter. Next time things don’t go your way refuse to let your circumstances dampen your joy.
How specific are you in your prayers? When you talk to God, talk about your needs—don’t beat around the bush! God does His most ideal work when we are in an impossible situation. And He always proves Himself faithful.
We have always been fascinated with stories—especially the ones beginning with those same four words “Once upon a time…” and ending with “And they all lived happily ever after.” Oh, that it were true! Living happily ever after only happens in fairy tales. Wish instead for a full life, one that's satisfied, godly, balanced…and reasonably sweet.