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First Thessalonians

Impressed by the faithfulness of the Thessalonians in the face of persecution, Paul wrote to encourage the Christians in that community.

Read more about the book of First Thessalonians.

Messages on this Scripture

1 Thessalonians: A Heart-to-Heart Talk

Although brief (fewer than 90 verses), this letter outlines such practical matters as a church model worth emulating, a philosophy toward ministry worth following, a commitment to purity worth remembering, a hope of Christ’s coming worth anticipating, and a love for fellow Christians worth duplicating.

Delighting in Your Children

While parents need to stand firm on issues that call for a strong hand, disciplining our children must never eclipse delighting in them! Throughout the fabric of Scripture, God has woven numerous statements underscoring the importance of not only expressing but also demonstrating affirmation, encouragement, gentleness, fun, tenderness, and affection toward our children.

Strengthening Your Grip on Purity

Far too many Christians have bought into the “pursue pleasure at all costs” philosophy. Marriages are breaking up at almost the same rate inside the church as outside. Christian leaders often create just as much scandal as any movie star. And many churches no longer place holy living at the top of their priority list. But purity, as Paul explained in Romans 6, is a powerful alternative to our culture’s formula for living.
