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First Peter

First Peter focuses on the importance of believers bearing under unjust suffering yet continuing to live well. It’s the New Testament Job.

Read more about the book of First Peter.

Messages on this Scripture

Pessimistic Thinking

1 Peter 4:1

If you’ve ever been in that muddy hole called the Slough of Despond, you can relate to Christian in The Pilgrim’s Progress. Despondency, or the pits, is really pessimism. It’s a gloomy, negative attitude, which often comes when we rely on ourselves instead of God. Whenever negative thoughts come knocking, don’t open the door. Instead, turn your thoughts to God.

A Hope Transplant: The Essential Operation

How would you define hope? In what way would your definition apply to a local church? What if hope were missing from a congregation? Would anybody notice? We’ll think about these and other things as we allow Peter’s words to guide us into the truth about hope. These passages of Scripture suggest several ingredients that must be present if hope is to remain a vital part of a church’s life.
