Ministry Letter September 2021
You and I are the farmers who scatter the seed of the Word of God. As we personally share the Word and people hear it, if they receive it with faith, they are added to the kingdom of God and grow bearing fruit.
You and I are the farmers who scatter the seed of the Word of God. As we personally share the Word and people hear it, if they receive it with faith, they are added to the kingdom of God and grow bearing fruit.
As citizens of that world to come, our work today—whether in our homes, our cities, or around the world—should be to live out and encourage the ideals of that world to come with every fibre of our beings.
Believe it or not, your personal testimony is one of the most powerful and compelling tools God has given you in reaching nonbelievers with the Gospel. Now, I’m not talking about the common, garden-variety, churchy “braggamony.”
It seems to be a method of operating that God chooses nobodies—people of no account living in obscurity. “God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important.”
Peace. Whisper the word to yourself and you can almost feel your heart relax. When you’re at peace, you feel an inner confidence that things are not running wild—regardless of the circumstances. Your mind is at rest.
From the virgin birth to the death and the Resurrection to the soon-coming of Christ, the plan of Almighty God is packed with innovation and creativity. It had never been done before. It will never be done again.
Because every believer receives a gift to do ministry, every believer is a minister. Let that sink in. It’s significant. Too often people think only the pastor is the minister when in reality the church is full of ministers.
I believe you support Insight for Living Canada because you understand the importance and urgency of the task. You know that apart from hearing and obeying the truth of God’s Word, people will be lost.
Hilarious generosity begins with contentment. It’s being satisfied with and grateful for all we have and are able to experience. We must understand what contentment is...and what it is not.
Spiritual movement is either forward or backwards. There is no middle “maintenance” mode. We might feel like we are maintaining a holding pattern but we are in fact slipping backwards.