Ministry Letter September 2017
We have the message to proclaim and your financial help is an essential part of how we get it out to where it’s needed.
We have the message to proclaim and your financial help is an essential part of how we get it out to where it’s needed.
In John 10:12-18, Jesus contrasts Himself with the Pharisees, implying they don’t know or care about the people. Jesus loves each person and willingly gives up his life for people of all nations.
Let’s face it: some days are uppers and some are downers. “Upper” days lift our spirits and send them soaring. “Downer” days leave us sad and discouraged. On a few occasions we get both on in one day!
Too many churches have forfeited their charm and become places of shame, not grace. Let’s put an end to that!
Training for endurance is not glamorous. No one notices you reading your Bible before work or espouses compliments over the worn-out spots in your carpet from knelt prayers.
Even though God doesn’t sin, you may treat Him as if He has sinned. If this is the case you need to go through a process with God that resembles forgiveness. You may need to "forgive" Him.
Everyone feels sad at certain points in life. Often, it is a response to pain and loss. General sadness is usually temporary and fades. Clinical depression, on the other hand, is a longer-term mental illness. Is it OK to be sad?
By partnering financially with us, you enable us to continue declaring the wonderful truth of God’s Word about our Shepherd and Saviour to the confused crowds across the country.
Few things are more clearly set forth in all of Scripture. This single prediction is woven through the teachings of Christ, especially during His final months of ministry, as well as the writings of the apostles.
By saying “I am the bread of life,” Jesus is saying He is essential for life—eternal life. He is also claiming deity. He invites people to place their faith in Him as their Saviour in order to live and be truly satisfied.