Having Vision
Chuck Swindoll says it's not your major projects or achievements that reveal who you really are. What shows your true vision is how you handle all those little daily tasks.
Chuck Swindoll says it's not your major projects or achievements that reveal who you really are. What shows your true vision is how you handle all those little daily tasks.
Before Paul put the final period on his first letter to the Thessalonians he issued a double-edged command: “encourage…and build up one another” (1 Thessalonians 5:11). In a world more sinful than saintly, such a command is necessary because the spirit of discouragement is dangerous.
In John 20:24–30, John described the stirring scene when Jesus appeared to His disciples—except for Thomas—following His Resurrection. Naturally, they were huddled in a closed room in fear for their lives.
Chuck Swindoll has some special words about finding contentment during crisis. While the world is in turmoil because of the coronavirus pandemic, we can rest in God's promise to never forsake us during uncertain times.
While I visited many historic and beautiful locations, two rather lonely places were especially significant, adding depth to the biblical narratives: Caesarea Philippi and the garden of Gethsemane.
If everyone practiced the philosophy of an eye for an eye we’d all be blind. You see, grinding resentment isn’t resolved with revenge; it’s resolved with grace.
Chuck Swindoll presents a special edition of Insight for Living. He's sitting down with his good friend, Charlie Costa to give us an insider glimpse of the work God's doing around the world through the ministry.
While the world is in turmoil because of the coronavirus pandemic, we can rest in God’s promise to never forsake us during uncertain times. Watch Chuck Swindoll’s special video message of encouragement.
Are you acting your age? Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you can’t stay young. Adding enthusiasm will make a world of difference. None are so old as the one who has outlived enthusiasm.
Few character qualities are more important than integrity. Courage is perhaps the only one to precede it, since it stiffens our spines and sets our feet.