Ministry Letter May 2021
As I look to the future I am confident that just as God has been with us and supplied what we needed up to this point through His people, He will continue to meet our needs by Christ Jesus.
As I look to the future I am confident that just as God has been with us and supplied what we needed up to this point through His people, He will continue to meet our needs by Christ Jesus.
We know that Matthew was an apostle and the author of the Gospel that bears his name. Chuck Swindoll describes Matthew’s unsavoury background and how Jesus successfully called him into a new life.
It’s not a pleasant topic to dwell on, but Scripture makes it clear that the demon world is real. Insidious evil spirits are working overtime to destroy lives! Chuck Swindoll explains what demons can and cannot do to Christians and how to guard against their power.
Until your eyes are fixed on the Lord, you will not be able to endure those days that go from bad to worse. Fix your eyes on the Lord! Do it once. Do it daily. Do it 10,000 times 10,000 times. Do it constantly.
Many Christians describe themselves as “followers of Jesus.” But Chuck Swindoll delivers a warning: it’s not enough to follow Jesus, you also have to do it right.
When God selects His leaders He wants people who will not take the glory that belongs to Him alone. This is why He will often put us in seemingly impossible situations, so that when the victory is achieved no one can say that it was anything but God’s doing.
Jesus was certainly a great teacher. But He was not just a great teacher! Chuck Swindoll draws our attention to some snapshots in the Gospel of Matthew that reveal Christ’s power.
As much as I love to have the future figured out and my five-year plans mapped out, in truth, we are all going through life blindfolded. We don’t know what’s around the corner. We have no idea what’s going to happen tomorrow.
Near the end of His famous Sermon on the Mount, a leper approached Jesus and asked for physical healing. What can we learn from this spontaneous encounter between deity and disease? Can we apply these principles today? Chuck Swindoll answers those questions and more.
You owe it to God, you owe it to yourself, and you owe it to those you love the most to make solitude a deliberate choice in your life. It’ll take an adjustment to your schedule, but it will make a meaningful difference in your life.