In the Attic
You can’t play games with sin. Left unchecked it can ruin your whole life. It moves in and eats away at our moral fabric. And the longer it stays... the harder it is to get rid of it.
Sin isn’t a popular word. Most people think of sin as doing something really bad, like murder, assault, or robbery. But the word “sin” has the idea of missing the mark, not hitting the target.
The idea is that God has set a glorious standard and when we fail to live by it, we sin. We say, do, and think things that are contrary to God's standard, and the problem is that no matter how much we try and achieve change by ourselves, we just can't succeed.
The Bible teaches that our nature is imprisoned to sin. We miss the mark because we choose creation over the Creator. We look to succeed by our own strength, yet we never shake our own selfish sin. No matter what our education, religious heritage, ethnicity, or financial status, we cannot overcome the power of sin by ourselves. This is a problem.
You can’t play games with sin. Left unchecked it can ruin your whole life. It moves in and eats away at our moral fabric. And the longer it stays... the harder it is to get rid of it.
Temptation is always present, no matter who you are. It knows no barriers and doesn’t play favourites. When you’re tempted don’t linger; determine in your heart to resist.
Prejudice is nothing new. It’s a learned trait, which keeps you in darkness. When you’re prejudice you become bound to old ways of thinking. You lose your openness and creativity. In fact, prejudice can affect every aspect of your life.
First impressions are seldom correct. We’re quick to judge others but a better approach is to choose to see the best in each other and extend grace. It’s something we all need.
You can’t play games fairly without keeping the rules and the same logic applies to life. Rules set boundaries for us in how we should live but they don’t stop us from stop doing what wrong. God’s law is not the cause of our wrongdoing it simply reveals it to us.
First Peter 1:13–21 points believers to His example to show how His followers can stay clean in this corrupt world. Be challenged as Pastor Chuck Swindoll exhorts you to throw off the shackles of sin and live free in God’s grace.
Being under grace beings being free in Christ and no longer a slave to sin. However, this doesn’t mean you’re free to do whatever you please. It means you do what pleases Christ.
The world is full of bad news because we’re full of sin and depravity. But here’s the Good News—God bought you a way out, a way back to Him.
Many of us are programmed to have “corrective theology,” where grace is used as a tool to justify sin or take away the pain of consequences. Grace is not a cure-all and there are always consequences for sin.
Unfortunately, the battle between right and wrong, good and evil, will always be at war within us. Despite our best efforts, we will always be strugglers. But Christ enables us to overcome wrong. He gives us the power to do what’s right.