When Self-Esteem is Missing
When self-esteem is missing from our lives we erect defences, wear masks, or become clowns. But when we have self-esteem we are able to love, give of ourselves, and pull the best out of others.
Do you ever feel that finding all the resources you need for successful parenting is an impossible task? On any given day, a parent may need to have handy a child psychology manual, a fix-it-yourself instruction guide, a volume on basic theology, and a good book on emergency first aid!
While you may not find all of those on our website, we believe you will find the resources here to be practical, invaluable, and uplifting as you seek to shape the hearts of your children. With these tools at your side, you can begin to see the role of parenting as not only one of the most challenging experiences but also one of the most rewarding.
When self-esteem is missing from our lives we erect defences, wear masks, or become clowns. But when we have self-esteem we are able to love, give of ourselves, and pull the best out of others.
In your family you will discover clues revealing maturity happening in your children. Tell them so. Let them go. Here is Chuck Swindoll's story about his first car and how he learned a lesson in maturity and responsibility.
How old is your child going to have to be until you think you can let them go out into the world? Here are some rules for letting your children go.
What do you do when you lose heart? We've all been there. You're so discouraged you just want to give up. One of the best cures for discouragement is a good laugh.
I understand concepts like compassion, grace, love, and justice because my parents model them. And I wonder how I would know these things about God if I didn’t have a godly father.
Adolescence is both an amazing and challenging time…for kids and parents! Here is some practical and realistic advice for getting through the years of change.
A hero is someone who is admired for his achievements, noble qualities, and courage. This definition isn’t limited to dads—even if you’ve never heard it, moms and dads, you are your children’s heroes.
Want some great advice for building a happy home? These four two-word one-liners will help you keep your family first.
What are your priorities? It takes work to cultivate a family and make a happy home, but the long-term rewards are worth every effort.
Ever have a conflict of the wills between you and your child? Let’s face it: it’s easy to give kids mixed messages. We want to be consistent, but we aren’t. We say we’re going to do what we’ve planned to do, and then we don’t. To learn to be consistent, listen to these four essentials to training up your children.