Resource Library


Do you ever feel that finding all the resources you need for successful parenting is an impossible task? On any given day, a parent may need to have handy a child psychology manual, a fix-it-yourself instruction guide, a volume on basic theology, and a good book on emergency first aid!

While you may not find all of those on our website, we believe you will find the resources here to be practical, invaluable, and uplifting as you seek to shape the hearts of your children. With these tools at your side, you can begin to see the role of parenting as not only one of the most challenging experiences but also one of the most rewarding.

Resources on this Topic

The Bents in Your Baby

No matter how hard parents try, children are determined to go in a direction different from the parents’ desire, and the rebellion persists. What went wrong? What’s missing from this domestic equation? Why is the battle so difficult? The problem boils down to the natural “bents” in every baby.

In the Bleachers

Wondering what you can do as a dad to make the greatest difference in your child's life? Wonder no more, as Chuck Swindoll spells it out for you clearly and removes any doubt.
