Joy! Joy! Joy!
Pastor Chuck Swindoll makes a bold statement based on Philippians: a life without joy isn’t God’s will! The good news is that believers don’t have to drum up feelings. Instead, we live by the Holy Spirit who works within us.
As we read the Bible, we can be tempted just to focus on the parts we understand well and skip over those subjects that are mysterious and confusing. The third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, is surely one of those subjects! But how is the Church affected if the person and work of the Holy Spirit are not studied? More important, how is our own spiritual growth stunted if we don't understand the Spirit's transforming power within us?
Did you know that the Holy Spirit helps you understand the Bible better and assures you of your eternal salvation? After you learn more about the Holy Spirit, you'll understand why Jesus told His disciples that they would be better served by Jesus leaving them and sending them the Holy Spirit than by staying with them (John 16:7).
Pastor Chuck Swindoll makes a bold statement based on Philippians: a life without joy isn’t God’s will! The good news is that believers don’t have to drum up feelings. Instead, we live by the Holy Spirit who works within us.
From 1 Corinthians 13, Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains why the call to love is the preeminent commandment. Rather than a feeling, love is ultimately a decision and an act of devotion to Christ.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll teaches the truths of Galatians 5 to urge you to choose what’s good. How? By yielding to the powerful work of the Spirit within you. The Spirit nourishes us. He strengthens us to put to death our rotten desires and to bear the fresh fruit of Christlikeness.
Marriage is a partnership, not a dictatorship. Christlike leadership is based on love, grace, and honour.
Rest assured in the midst of your trouble, no matter what it is, God’s sovereign hand is at work. It will literally revolutionize your whole mental attitude toward life.
God’s plan for our lives isn’t always revealed to us, and it rarely makes sense. Our job is to trust and obey.
Pentecost is when Christians celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. Today the Holy Spirit’s presence is just as powerful and evident in the lives of believers as it was at the time of Pentecost in the Bible.
Perhaps you’re a skeptic. You don’t believe in miracles, only in science, logic, and absolutes. The good news is Christ doesn’t ask you to check your brains at the door when you come to know Him personally. Just the opposite—you gain insight and knowledge through the Holy Spirit!
Never think that because something is invisible it is therefore unimportant or weak. Just think of gravity—where would we be without it? The Holy Spirit is the same. He energizes, motivates, comforts, and gives discernment. The Holy Spirit is our spiritual fuel.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll clarifies the role of the Spirit from John 16:6–14. This aspect of the triune God is there to help, comfort, restrain, bring truth, advocate, and more.