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You invest more than one-third of your life at work. Punch the clock, turn on the computer, start your engines at 8 a.m., rest a few minutes at noon, but keep your mind and body in gear till the sun has set. Then tomorrow—repeat. Sound familiar?

So how can your relationship with God grow in all this? The easy temptation is to separate your life into two parts: career—public; faith—private.

But considering how much of your life you spend engaged in your career, perhaps that is the ideal place to grow in your relationship with Christ.

Resources on this Topic

Who Said You Can't Fly?

Proverbs 27:1

According to the theory of aerodynamics the bumblebee cannot fly. However, the bee doesn’t know that. The same can be true for us—who told you your best years have passed? Who said you’re too young to achieve your dreams? Stay open to what the Lord has in store for you. You never know what’s just around the corner!


Facing a massive project ahead? Having a hard time getting started on it or sticking with it? Chuck Swindoll gives some advice to help you keep plugging away at it.

Don't Discount Your Past

Romans 8:28

Never discount anything of your past. God can pick it up and use it in the most incredible ways. If you have skills or talents you've put on the back burner, don't be surprised if one day you find yourself in a position where God gives you an opportunity to use them again. He draws from your life experiences at just the right time and in just the right place.
