A Letter that Rattles Our Cage
Embark on a journey through 2 Peter with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he introduces the letter and its major themes. Find hope in God’s magnificent promises!
Embark on a journey through 2 Peter with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he introduces the letter and its major themes. Find hope in God’s magnificent promises!
In 2 Peter, the Apostle dealt with the internal enemies—false prophets and other subtle adversaries—who twisted the truth. Of special interest to Peter were false teachings regarding the return of the Lord as well as our life of service and purity prior to the event. The tone of 2 Peter is that of an urgent warning, urging all readers to beware…to be ready.
When you turn to God’s Word you’re consulting the most reliable of all sources. The Bible is the only inerrant source of authority in the Christian life.
Even though we can never say that we have “arrived,” there are some checkpoints by which we are able to measure our maturity. They are set forth in the first major section of Peter's second letter. Beginning with faith (2 Peter 1:5) and ending with love (1:7), you will find eight qualities, which deserve our most diligent effort.
Legalism is always self-centred, whereas the disciplines are always God-centred. The heart of a legalist thinks, “Doing this will help me gain merit with God.” The heart of the follower of Christ thinks, “I want to do this because I love God.”
Many false teachers and heretics quote eloquently from Scripture, but distort God’s Word to serve their own purposes. Chuck Swindoll describes the critical importance of context when interpreting the Bible.
My advice this Christmas? Allow the traditions of the season to stir you up by way of reminder. Allow the things familiar to point you to things essential.
The Old Testament prophets were dynamic figures, who continue to speak to our age with an undeniable relevance. It is doubtful any other group of men in all literature presents a more impressive or colourful picture of courage, godliness, or perception. They were men who knew God and trusted Him against insuperable odds.
Learn from Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he teaches on 2 Peter 1:1–11 and demonstrates how followers of Jesus can cultivate the character and diligence of Christ. Be part of bringing His kingdom to earth and live a fulfilled life for God’s glory.
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he gleans timely truths from the Psalms, 2 Timothy, and 2 Peter. You’ll understand why the psalmist declared, “I will delight in your decrees and not forget your word.”