The Encouragement Cycle
I couldn't have completed Day 3's gruelling 161 km without Jim. While the ride started out as a personal marathon, Jim's encouragement taught me the most important lesson I've encountered about teamwork.
I couldn't have completed Day 3's gruelling 161 km without Jim. While the ride started out as a personal marathon, Jim's encouragement taught me the most important lesson I've encountered about teamwork.
In his message, Chuck Swindoll takes us to the shortest verse in the Bible, “Rejoice always” (1 Thessalonians 5:16 NASB), that it may fill our every hour as we toil day by day, month by month, and year by year in God’s vineyard.
Thanksgiving is a holiday with deep, biblical roots. It’s a day for those who belong to Christ Jesus to look up, around, and within as we use three magnificent words that can completely change our perspective: “Thank You, Lord!”
Have you noticed the happiness of grateful people compared to the unappreciative? Gratitude and happiness seem to stick together, like two tight-stitched friends. Where we find one, we find the other.
When we see the bigger picture of God’s plan for us through Jesus Christ, we can’t help but give thanks. God has given us so many blessings through Christ. Yet, they present only a foretaste of what we look forward to when He returns!