Resource Library
Reservoirs of Knowledge
Ignorance is not bliss. When you’re unsure about what you believe, you become a target for false teachers. Biblical knowledge will help you take a stand for the truth in a lost and disoriented world.
The Final Exit of Worldwide Religion
The Apostle John witnesses a captivating, evil woman along with a beast who lead the world into suffering and sin. Even as he sees the vision clearly, John is bewildered by its meaning. Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he unfolds the mysterious message given by an angel in Revelation 17:1–18.
Knowing Where You Stand
It takes knowledge of God’s Word to discern truth and detect error. Not only from what is said but from what is left out.
Keep the Word Handy
If you have a smartphone or tablet you have the Bible right at your fingertips. And if you take the time to read it, the Bible will make all the difference in your life.
Just Show Up
Being trustworthy means showing up, ready and available, season after season. Showing up is a crucial part of faithfulness—and sometimes the hardest part.
Shock and Awe Revisited
With striking clarity, life without God is exposed in its unbridled corruption and decay. Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains that, no matter how dark these scenes are, believers need not live in fear or dread.