Resource Library
As long as the church of Jesus Christ is present on this earth, lawlessness remains under great restraint. Second Thessalonians 2:7 puts it well, “For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.”
Open House at the Celestial City
Journey with Pastor Chuck Swindoll through gates of pearl and onto streets of gold as he reviews Revelation 21:9–22. Take a deep dive into this unparalleled place where God’s glory and attributes are clearly on display. Glimpse eternity as you listen!
Remember When...
The mind is an amazing thing. In a matter of seconds it can transport you to scenes you thought you had forgotten. Remember when your love for the Lord was in full bloom? Remember the passion you felt? Remember your deep devotion?
Reasons We Don't Learn Faith
It’s difficult to make sacrifices and give others our time, possessions, and money. But it’s in the giving we learn to rely on God instead of ourselves and it’s in the process we learn faith.
Purposeful Leadership
We all make an impact in some way. Whether it’s on our family, in our community, or at work, we influence people who are part of our lives. God seeks servant leaders who lead with humility and courage.
Heaven at Last
At His return, Jesus repeats these truths, promising refreshing streams of life to His people and declaring, “It is done.” Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores the beautiful passage of Revelation 21:1–8, where a new heaven and a new earth are revealed.