Resource Library

Ephesians: True Portrait of the Church

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is foundational to the doctrine of the universal church, the earthly body of Christ. It is here we learn of spiritual gifts and their purpose in the church, the proper relationships between family members at home, and the armour of God for His people. No serious student of Scripture remains ignorant of Ephesians. Its insights, principles, and practical admonitions are essential to our growth toward Christian maturity.

Romans: Cornerstone of Christian Truth

As we explore the deep, rich mine of God’s truth in Romans, we do so with great gratitude to Him who led Paul to write these words. Like no other book of the Bible, Romans forms the doctrinal cornerstone of Christianity. Because it touches on every major belief of Christianity, it is foundational to our faith.

Acts: Like a Mighty Army

The Church is like a mighty army marching through time deliberately, confidently, victoriously…spurred on by the promise of its Founder that the gates of Hades will not overpower it. No other book in the Bible underscores the richness and courage of our heritage better than the book of Acts. And no other book affirms more clearly our God-given power to persevere. We may be small in number, but no remnant was ever surer of its destiny.

John: That You May Believe

The fourth Gospel is considered a primer on the essential basics of Christianity. In the book of John, Christ is clearly and pre-eminently exalted as deity. In simple (yet profound) terms, Jesus is set forth so that all may believe He is indeed the Son of God. Hopefully, this lesson, which provides a bird’s-eye view of the 21 chapters in John, will help all of us realize eternal life begins with Christ.

Mark: The Servant at Work

Although the shortest of the four Gospels, the book of Mark wastes no words portraying the Saviour as a servant to others. The tone is practical, which appealed to the Roman mindset. We want to observe the Servant at work in this account of His life, noticing especially how clearly the key verse of the book (Mark 10:45) outlines the two major phases of His earthly existence and ministry.
