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These five-minute programs feature Chuck Swindoll's best stories. You'll hear his loudest laughs, his funniest experiences, and his famous catch phrases.

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Messages in this Series

It's Tough Getting Started

Ecclesiastes 2:13

The Christian life is tough to get started because it’s not just a new way of thinking it’s a whole new way of living. It’s like moving from darkness to light; from being self-centred to being like Christ. But as you persevere, the journey keeps getting better and better.

Intimacy and Email

Psalm 119:37

Chuck Swindoll half-jokes that email has just about ruined great writing. Would you agree? Unlike today’s emails, the New Testament letters weren’t written in a hurry. They were meticulously transcribed with the words of wisdom and truth, which are still treasured today.

Humpty Dumpty and Mr. Hyde

Romans 5:12-15

Just like you can’t unscramble an egg that’s been broken, we all have a dark side we can’t quite shake. We have a root problem with sin, which sounds pretty hopeless until we remember God, in His mercy, doesn’t leave us there. Through His Son He provided a way out of our brokenness and despair.

Darkness and Dawn

Isaiah 53

Only Jesus Christ the risen Saviour has the power to rescue souls. His suffering brought a saving work of mercy and grace to the whole world. And He invites everyone to come to Him.

Freedom and Slavery

Romans 6:6-7

“Whose slave are you?” It’s a great question. Are you a slave to work? Possessions? People’s opinions? Bad habits? The good news is you don’t have to be chained to any of these. As a child of God, you’re free.

Excessive Works

Romans 10:9-10

Despite the hymns we sing, many people think they can earn their way into heaven if their good deeds outweigh their bad deeds. Replace your good deeds with the Good News—your salvation was accomplished on the cross. It’s simply a gift. All you have to do is accept it.

Straighten Up!

We live in a time where wrongdoing is rationalized and excused. We’re quick to blame others...and slow to accept responsibility for our actions. However, the reality is no one else makes our choices for us. A sign of maturity is admitting our offences and making things right.
