Living Right in a Wrong World
The Apostle John hoped to revive his younger readers to return to an authentic, contagious walk with Christ.
The Apostle John hoped to revive his younger readers to return to an authentic, contagious walk with Christ.
In this study, we will look at a five-chapter letter appearing simple and uncomplicated yet, in reality, is both profound and complex. In the epistle of 1 John, he emphasized the nature of that life as possessed by God’s children.
In Greek the word is “koinonia,” and means a deep level of sharing life in harmony and unity. Fellowship is fulfilling and satisfying.
Isn’t it great when someone says, “I forgive you”…just like that? Without pleading or begging for mercy, we’re simply forgiven. That’s probably one of the best feelings in the world.
First John 1:9 says “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins....” Forgiveness is what the cross was all about.
The first four verses of I John, which serve as a preface to the letter, represent a grammatical knot.
Other biblical writings tell us a lot about what God does, but 1 John focuses on who God is.
Darkness is just the absence of light. But isn’t it amazing that no matter how dark darkness may get... it can never extinguish the light? God is light, and no amount of darkness can obliterate that light.
We live in a world that has lost its way. Many are being deceived. But God has given us His truth; He has shown us how to live.
From 1 John 2:1–2, Pastor Chuck Swindoll defines Jesus’ role as our representative. Unlike a typical go-between, however, Jesus loves us with an everlasting love because He personally paid all our debts.