Poison in the Garden: Pornography’s Toxic Impact on Marriage and How to Find Healing
If pornography has a death grip on your marriage, we want to help you give your valentine the gift you both need: change.
If pornography has a death grip on your marriage, we want to help you give your valentine the gift you both need: change.
Love is a core attribute from which with other attributes such as grace, mercy, and kindness flow. It is a term that must be held in balance and understood in the context where it is used.
Whatever your story, Insight for Living Canada is here to help YOU grow deep, biblical roots that will strengthen your relationship with the Lord and give you tools to make your earthy relationships flourish.
Do you take time to reflect on the wonder of heaven? Do you think about eternity with God and the complete and total banishment of death and sin? Do thoughts of heaven influence your earthly days?
Does my online profile bring glory to God? Our lives should reflect our hearts, and if our hearts and minds are fixed on God, then it will filter down into every aspect of our lives—including our virtual lives.
It’s tragic, but not inevitable. We can resist depravity’s dangerous undertow by anchoring ourselves to God’s grace—daily, especially when we’re growing in our faith.
None of us knows if or when we may one day have to sift through the wreckage that was once our life’s treasures.
During my ministry days in Dallas, Texas, the big questions started with, “Who was Jesus, and what did He claim?” But in England, the big questions start with, “Is there a God?”
The term “creation” refers to the act by which God created everything. Miraculous creation by God is the major presupposition of the Bible and the foundational truth for all of Scripture.
So, let’s make one resolution this year: to anchor ourselves to God’s grace.