I once heard about a Hollywood jewelry store with the following sign:
Doesn’t that just sum up the state of our world?
Seven days after our first date, I knew Cynthia was “the girl of my dreams.” She was 16 and I was 19 when I proposed. Twenty months later, on June 18, 1955, we said “I do.” We could never have imagined our life together...but four kids, 10 grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, and a worldwide ministry later, we still say “I do!”
Cynthia will always be “the girl of my dreams.” But that doesn’t mean I can sit back and relax! Loving her means being the man of HER dreams. It means practicing patience, kindness, and humility. It means faithfulness and trust...love notes and a few elegant dinners for two...thoughtful words and listening ears. It means making time for prayer, coffee, and especially thunderstorms. Every time a storm rolls in, Cynthia and I press pause on our busy lives. We prefer to go out on our screened-in back porch, where we watch the Creator’s lightshow, together.
Our story is rare. Renting wedding rings makes sense for far too many! It shouldn’t be that way, and, frankly, it doesn’t have to.
Contrary to popular opinion, our more than six decades together haven’t been pure bliss. Neither of us is “easy to live with.” We’re together today for two reasons: God’s unfaltering grace and our uncompromising commitment.
Now, I realize you might be divorced, and I also realize there are a few good reasons. Maybe that’s your story. Or maybe you got tired or left for another. Maybe death separated you. Maybe you’re happily married...or just going through the motions. Maybe you’re single and waiting...or single and satisfied.
Whatever your story, Insight for Living Ministries Canada is here to help YOU grow deep, biblical roots that will strengthen your relationship with the Lord and give you tools to make your earthly relationships flourish. Why? Because we know relationships are worth it!
February means cards, flowers, and candy. This year, do more.
Send a financial gift to Insight for Living Ministries Canada! Your investment will go into teaching the study and application of God’s Word—the only foundation that can save and keep a marriage strong.
YOUR investment matters! Together, we can help couples stay married with lasting faith, hope, and love...and THAT will change the world.
Here for you and yours,
Charles R. Swindoll