Pie in the Sky When We Die
Christ’s Resurrection means believers too shall be raised—there is unimaginable dessert coming! But some believers may not be aware that’s not all it means. There’s more than just pie in the sky when we die.
Christ’s Resurrection means believers too shall be raised—there is unimaginable dessert coming! But some believers may not be aware that’s not all it means. There’s more than just pie in the sky when we die.
Secularism is flawed with inconsistency because secularists want the fruits of Christianity but not Christianity. It values the fruit of our Christian roots, but by getting rid of the root, we will eventually lose the fruit. It’s just a matter of time.
Insight for Living Canada’s mission is to help people understand and apply the Scriptures to daily life. It’s what we do every day because the need is great and is the reason your continued support is essential.
Multiplication—that’s God’s aim. God is exalting Himself from one person to another, from one language to another, from one pastor to another, and from one country to another.
We want to be right (as we see it, of course) more than we want to love our neighbours as ourselves. At that point our personal preferences eclipse any evidence of love. I am of the firm conviction that where grace exists, so must various areas of grey.
Song of Solomon is a unique type of poetic Hebrew literature. It exhibits the literary characteristics of something known as a pastoral love song, which is different from allegory, drama, historical narrative, and parable.
Bonhoeffer’s joyfulness was forged from his unshakeable confidence in God. His immense view of Christ enabled him to remain joyful amid his circumstances. Let us heed the example of Bonhoeffer in these days.
As Christians, we believe there are absolute values and morals because God who created this world has designed it to work according to His attributes of goodness and love. It malfunctions when people do not live according to His will.
There was a day in your life when you first heard of God’s love for you. It impacted you for eternity. Every day, Insight for Living Canada tells this love story so others can be impacted too. Everyone needs to hear about God’s amazing love for them.
As we encounter life’s trials, we can remain confident that the Potter, who causes all things to work for our good, kneads and reshapes us to fashion something beautiful, useful, and practical.