We are on a mission!
I believe the reason you participate financially with Insight for Living Canada is because you believe those verses and want to see God’s mission fulfilled. You know that getting God’s Word out is essential to this.
I believe the reason you participate financially with Insight for Living Canada is because you believe those verses and want to see God’s mission fulfilled. You know that getting God’s Word out is essential to this.
Recently while thinking of the glorious message of the Resurrection, I found myself suddenly overwhelmed with the music that has accompanied the subject of the empty tomb for centuries. Various scenes crossed my mind.
If Christ did not come back to life, then those who put their trust in Him have absolutely no hope. It’s as simple as that. But...He did come back to life, and now His followers get to experience all the hope that resurrection offers.
There is something altogether reassuring about Easter morning. When Christians gather in houses of worship and lift their voices in praise to the risen Redeemer, the demonic hosts of hell and their damnable prince of darkness are temporarily paralyzed.
IFLM’s collaboration with Ethiopian church leaders is flourishing as we focus on watering with the pure Word of Christ that God might cause an abundance of native growth. He did it right before our eyes while we were there!
We have to always work at remembering and forgetting. We need to work and remember what we believe, and what God has done for us. And we need to work at forgetting harmful things from our past.
One hero of the faith who encountered adversity throughout his life is German pastor, Martin Luther. Luther faced many trials as he led the charge for the reformation of the Catholic church.
Insight for Living Canada is all about sowing the seed of God’s Word. Pastor Chuck Swindoll teaches and preaches the Word of God, and together you and Insight for Living Canada disperse that seed across our country.
Knowing God is foundational to our existence. Apart from that knowledge, we are doomed to grope our way through a maze of meaningless earthly pursuits. Only those who know God will find their way to true purpose and meaning.
A believer who wades through God’s favour and God’s blessing and God’s bounty day after day, week after week, year after year can begin to court the dangers of erosion. How? Things get to be predictable. They become routine. You grow cynical.