A friend recently gave me the book, An All-Surpassing Fellowship, which is an introduction to the spiritual life of Robert Murray M’Cheyne. I think that you will find the short life of R.M. M’Cheyne is extraordinary.
M’Cheyne was born in Edinburgh, Scotland on May 21, 1813, the youngest child of five children. He grew up in a family with high moral standards, but according to him was “devoid of God.”
Being academically inclined, M’Cheyne began high school at the age of eight, and at age 14 he went on to study at the University of Edinburgh. Then in 1831, his beloved brother David died. However, through this tragedy he found the love of Christ. Four months later, M’Cheyne enrolled in the Divinity Hall of Edinburgh University. After completing his studies, he went on to pastor the church in Dundee, Scotland for six years. At the age of 29, M’Cheyne died from typhus fever.
M’Cheyne is best known for his close walk with the Lord and his passion for evangelism. He realized the importance of understanding the Gospel, which was evident in his sermons, conversations, and intense prayer life. M’Cheyne delighted in God’s Word and wrote in his memoir, “All my ideas of peace and joy are linked in with my Bible, and I not give the hours of secret converse with it for all the other hours I spend in this world.”1
The Bible was where M’Cheyne began his daily fellowship with the Lord and it was his sustenance for spiritual growth. So strong was his desire for people to know how to study the Bible more effectively, three months before he died, M’Cheyne provided the members of his church with a daily Bible reading plan that is still used today.
With all that is happening in our world, the importance of knowing and sharing the Gospel is a top priority. I find that learning about M’Cheyene’s prayer life and his extraordinary dependence on the Lord inspiring. Here is a portion of one of my favourite M’Cheyne poems:
When Israel knew not where to go,
God made the fiery pillar glow;
By night, by day, above the camp
It led the way – their guiding lamp;
Such is Thy holy word to me
In day of dark perplexity.
When devious paths before me spread,
And all invite my foot to tread, I hear Thy voice behind me say –
‘Believing soul, this is the way;
Walk thou in it.”2
1 M’Cheyne, Robert M, Bonar, Andrew. Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne. W. Oliphant & Company, 1866
2 M’Cheyne, Robert M, Bonar, Andrew. “Thy Word is a Lamp Unto my Feet, and a Light Unto my Path.” Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne. W. Oliphant & Company, 1866, 588.