Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

The Shadow of the Giant, Part One

Some 10 miles away, a handsome, muscular teenager—the runt in a family of eight boys—was sent on an errand by his father. That innocent errand proved to be an epochal event in Jewish history.

The Cry from a Cave

Did he pull it off? Could a shepherd from Bethlehem assume command of such a nefarious band of ne’er-do-wells? Did he meet the challenge?

Start Where You Are, Part Two

One of the most encouraging things about new years, new weeks, and new days is the word new. Webster reveals its meaning: “refreshed, different from one of the same that has existed previously...unfamiliar.”

Persistence, Part Two

Enough about me—you’ve got the next season stretching out in front of you. Think of these weeks as a time framework for your own investment. Choose an objective carefully, state it clearly in writing, then, with the persistence of an athlete training for the next Olympiad, go for the goal!

Persistence, Part One

The One who began will continue right up to the end. Being the original finisher, He will persist. I’m comforted to know He won’t be talked out of a plan that has to do with developing me. I need help! Don’t you?

Can’t...or Won’t? Part One

No offence, but some of you don’t have any business reading this today. Normally, I do not restrict my words to any special group of people. But now I must. This time it is for Christians only.

Fighting the Fast Fade

The seed is carefully sown. Yet shortly after God’s Word is heard, the enemy of our souls, Satan himself, comes and snatches away the biblical insights that have been deposited in our hearts.
