Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

Think It Over

David was "a man after God's own heart." Yet, once he crawled into bed with Uriah's wife on that moonlit spring night, never again did he know all the former joys of close family ties, public trust, or military invincibility.

What about Fidelity?

As believers, we need to reaffirm our commitment to moral purity and to private lives that are absolutely free of secret sins.


Satanic Rip-Off

In case you question the effectiveness of Satan's strategy, think back just two or three weeks. Maybe even one will do. Do you remember the sermon title? How about the outline? Do you recall a couple of applicable principles? You see, his plan is working brilliantly.

Wanted: Thinkers

If you have the opportunity, take a course at a nearby Bible school, Christian college, or seminary. Or perhaps your church offers some in-depth study electives. You will gain a broader base of knowledge, a wider scope of awareness, and a deeper commitment to truth.

Think It Over

Why should we be willing to drop everything and follow Jesus Christ? And what happens when we do?

Think It Over

Can you think of instances in your own life, with the advantage of 20/20 hindsight, wherein someone or something meant evil against you, "but God meant it for good"? Thank and praise Him for it—and for His continual providence.

Deep-Water Faith

Is your life full of appointments, activities, hassles, and hurry? Are you finding all your security in your work...your own achievements?  What is your "everything"?
