Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

Staying Young

 Remember, old folks are worth a fortune—they have silver in their hair, gold in their teeth, stones in their kidneys, lead in their feet, and gas in their stomachs.

Beware of Heights!

Resting on your laurels is a synonym for flirting with disaster. Write that reminder down where you can see it frequently.


It's Time to Take Time

When was the last time you really spent time—real time—with your child? Make time right now to do it. Take time to rebuild a relationship.

Claiming the Package

Grace received but unexpressed is dead grace. To spend one's time debating how grace is received or how much commitment is necessary for salvation, without getting into what it means to live by grace and enjoy the magnificent freedom it provides, quickly leads to a counterproductive argument.

A Fire for Cold Hearts

Fireplaces don't warm hearts. Neither does fine furniture nor a four-car garage nor a full stomach nor a job with a six-figure salary. No, a cold heart can be warmed only by the fire of the living God.

Spiritual Leadership

God's remnant of leaders is often a ragged lot...frequently made up of fresh-thinking, non-conforming, even weird-looking characters who desperately love the Lord Jesus Christ and are remarkably available to Him and His will.

Songless Saints

Believe me, if Martin Luther lived today, he'd be heartsick. That rugged warrior of the faith had two basic objectives when he fired the reformation cannon into the 16th-century wall of spiritual ignorance.
