Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

For Strong Families

Marriage. A husband and wife coming together as one. Family. Rearing children. These things are so much of what life is about, our Father. They give us hours of pleasure...and hours of frustration. There's probably nothing that most of us work harder at and sometimes feel more guilty about than those things. What a mystery!

For Strength in the Battle Against Evil

Give us new hope, Lord—hope that we can one day get beyond the struggle raging for our lives. We look forward to that day soon when Christ will once and for all win the victory that already belongs to Him because of the cross.

Overcoming Fear

Lord God, fear threatens to overtake us, to hinder us from trusting You. We often seek to rely on ourselves, trusting in our own strength to accomplish our own desires. Because we recognize the realities and the dangers of this distressed world, we thank You for making Your plan clear to ultimately remove all fear and anxiety and worry.

Anticipating His Joyful Return

Father, we are delighted with the sure expectation of Your Son's return. Thank You for telling us Your plan and not leaving us in a hopeless quandary. At the same time, thank You for not telling us everything. If every last detail were spelled out, who would need to walk by faith?

For Endurance in Trials

Now, Lord, do a work deep within our hearts. Provide us with fortitude for the trials of life—those we're enduring and those on the horizon. Help us to come to terms with negative attitudes that have been anchors weighing us down and stealing our joy.

For Willingness to Express Generosity

And now, Father, we acknowledge that we have been the recipients of numerous benefits: blessing, healing, forgiveness, grace, mercy, even relief from guilt and shame and long-standing grudges we've held against others.

For Pure Motives in Service

Father, You made all of us with different personalities, with different gifts and responsibilities, and yet You choose to mingle us together in the same body of believers, over which Christ is Head.

Overcoming Rebellion

Lord, You know that the human heart is rebellious. You are fully aware that this is a fallen world. We see evidence of it before our very eyes on every evening news broadcast. We witness again and again the ugly realities of stubbornness and resistance and selfishness.

Gratitude for God's Guidance

Thank You, Father, for leading us in our own personal exodus—leading us from start to finish; leading us when we didn't even want to know You; leading us even when we were running from You.

The Antidote to Anxiety

We all have experienced anxiety, our Father. How helpful it is to be reminded, nevertheless, that we are to celebrate Your name, Your work, Your power, Your character, all day every day, so that we might come to the place where we revel in You.
