Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

The Pure in Heart

Wow, Jesus said that! It is doubtful He despised anything among those who claimed to serve God more than hypocrisy—a lack of purity of heart. Did you notice what characterized the phoney Pharisees?

Mercy Is More Than Words

True servants are merciful. They care. They get involved. They get dirty, if necessary. They offer more than pious words. And what do they get in return? What does Christ promise? "They shall receive mercy."

Ministry to the Miserable

"Blessed are the merciful," Jesus said. Mercy is concern for people in need. It is ministry to the miserable. Offering help for those who hurt...who suffer under the distressing blows of adversity and hardship.

A Promise for “Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness”

The true servant of God possesses an insatiable appetite for what is right, a passionate drive for justice. Spiritually speaking, the servant is engaged in a pursuit of God...a hot, restless, eager longing to walk with Him, to please Him. That's who Jesus referred to when He said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness" (Matthew 5:6).

A Promise for "The Gentle"

So then, gentleness includes such enviable qualities as having strength under control, being calm and peaceful when surrounded by a heated atmosphere, emitting a soothing effect on those who may be angry or otherwise beside themselves, and possessing tact and gracious courtesy that causes others to retain their self-esteem and dignity.

A Promise for "Those Who Mourn"

And the promise for "those who mourn"? The Saviour promises, "they shall be comforted" (5:4). In return for the compassionate mourning they have given, comfort will be theirs to claim.

The Beatitudes: Three Observations

The introduction to Jesus' Sermon on the Mount is no doubt the most familiar section of His message. Commonly called "The Beatitudes," this section is the most descriptive word-portrait of a servant ever recorded.

Jesus' Command: "Be Different!"

When Jesus walked the earth, He attracted a number of people to Himself. On one occasion, He sat down among them and taught them some bottom-line truths about how He wanted them to grow up.
