Resource Library
Unceasing Plagues
When you submit your heart in faith to Jesus Christ you move from God’s judgment to God’s grace and mercy. It is here you find peace.
The Ultimate Healer
When Jesus, God in the flesh, ministered on earth, He exercised power over everything, including sickness and death.
Abraham: Father of Many Nations
In the Old Testament, Abraham was known as the "father of many nations” and a “friend of God.” He had a deep relationship with the Lord and followed His guidance even when he didn’t understand it! Let’s learn a bit more about this remarkable man.
Tomorrow May Not Come
Maybe you’ve gone to church all your life but have never come to terms with Christ. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies.” Do you believe this?
This is a Neighbour
It’s easy to stay inside our comfort zones but reaching out to our neighbours is what the Christian life is all about. It’s what we’re called to do.
Before you write this off as applying to anyone but yourself, take a long, hard look at your own life. The goal of superstition is bondage. Remember that. If anything in your Christianity has you in bondage, it is probable that superstition is the breeding ground.