Resource Library

Watch Your Tongue


Have you spoken words in anger you'd give anything to take back? Do you clearly remember harsh words spoken to you years ago? Chuck Swindoll talks about the tongue.

Delighting in Your Children

While parents need to stand firm on issues that call for a strong hand, disciplining our children must never eclipse delighting in them! Throughout the fabric of Scripture, God has woven numerous statements underscoring the importance of not only expressing but also demonstrating affirmation, encouragement, gentleness, fun, tenderness, and affection toward our children.

Shaping the Will with Wisdom

Being a parent is one of life’s most delightful and rewarding experiences. At the same time, it can be one of life’s most exasperating and demanding challenges. Parenting works best when we are loving and understanding, consistent and calm in our reactions, and wise and mature in our actions and attitudes. But who on earth does all of that all the time?
