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First Chronicles

Just as the Gospels each offer a different perspective on the life of Jesus, Chronicles present a different perspective on Israel's history.

Read more about the book of First Chronicles.

Resources on this Scripture

1 & 2 Chronicles: Reassurance for a Remnant

“What a waste!” That’s the common response of a novice when the Chronicles are opened. At first glance, the books seem boring, tedious, and needless. But God preserved these books. With meticulous care, He watched over their composition and preservation. In this study, we shall discover how essential these incidentals really are.

Jabez: The Unknown Who Became Well Known

Jabez emerges in the midst of epitaphs on tombstones as the Spirit of God is pleased to hover over his life a bit longer than any other mentioned in this context. Because God singles out Jabez, we are wise to pause and learn the truth of the story. By doing so, many who feel their lives are marked by obscurity and insignificance can gain fresh courage to excel.

The Day of the Flies

Curiosity in the occult can lead to tragedy. What seems like harmless and innocent fun can quickly escalate to the point where you’re involved spiritually and physically. Like Chuck Swindoll says, “Watch out for the enemy. He not only plays dirty; he plays for keeps. And he’s playing for your soul.”

Often-Overlooked Lives of Significance

Somewhere back in time, you and I were given a faulty set of instructions. Somewhere we learned that only the most famous or the star athlete or the most publicly gifted individual is worth our time and attention, our respect and our loudest applause. But in reality, if it wasn’t for the people who surround them, these well-known individuals would quickly fade in popularity and become among the most commonplace.
