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We’re celebrating 40 years of ministry

Dear Friend,

Anniversaries are a big deal for anyone, and Christian ministries are no exception. This year marks the 40th anniversary of Insight for Living Canada as a Bible-teaching ministry in Canada.

A lot can happen and change over 40 years. Were you around 40 years ago? What were you doing then compared to what you are doing now? I look back and wonder, “Where did the time go?”

I reflected on the question, how has Insight for Living Canada achieved 40 years ministering to Canadians? Three things came to mind.

First, and most obviously, by the Lord’s help. I think of 1 Samuel 7:12, “Samuel then took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it Ebenezer (which means ‘the stone of help’), for he said, ‘Up to this point the LORD has helped us!’” That’s what I believe for Insight for Living Canada too. What we have accomplished has been because of God’s grace.

Second, we have ministered for four decades because of the gifted staff who have served in the Insight for Living Canada office and on our Board of Directors over the years. God provided the right people to serve at the right time and to accomplish things He planned for us in our development and growth.

Finally, we have completed 40 years because of you and people like you who have helped sustain the ministry through prayer and financial support.

When Insight for Living Canada started in 1984, the ministry was supported and subsidized by Insight for Living Ministries in the United States. In 2000, we became totally self-supporting. Since then, God has used faithful and generous supporters to meet our needs. And some of you have been standing with us since the beginning.

As we look to the future, beginning with our next fiscal year in July 2024, I know that we can continue relying on God’s grace to lead and guide us. And I’m confident God will provide amazing staff to do the tasks necessary to help the ministry grow and develop and make the ministry of sharing God’s Word with Canadians possible. It’s my hope and prayer that you will continue to stand with us as you have in the past.

Can we count on your continued prayer and financial support to move with us past 40 years of ministry and into the future?

Some scholars suggest that in the Bible, 40 years is a generation based on the 40 years that passed while Israel lived outside the promised land before entering Canaan (Numbers 32:13).

By that measurement, we have shared God’s Word for a generation. Lord willing, and with your prayer and continued financial support, we will move forward and share the truth of God’s Word for at least another generation.

Celebrating with you,

Steve Johnson

Executive Director

PS This month marks the end of our 40th fiscal year. Send your financial gift today to help reach our goal of $220,000 so together we can continue the important work of sharing God’s Word with Canadians.