“Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16)
Origins: Messiah is from the Hebrew word mashiach, meaning anointed; translated Christos in Greek
Meaning: Prophets, priests, and kings were anointed, setting them apart for service to God. Scripture predicted a coming Messiah who would deliver Israel and embody the offices of prophet, priest, and king (Isaiah 61:1; Daniel 9:26)
Usage: Scripture reveals Jesus as the anointed deliverer, not from earthly powers but from the power and penalty of sin
Application: Christ is prophet, priest, and king. As prophet He embodied and preached the Word of God. We need Him to instruct us in God’s will. Are you hearing and obeying Christ?
As priest, Christ offered Himself sacrificially atoning for our sins and reconciling us to God. He continues as our resurrected great High Priest, through whom all acceptable prayer and praise are made to God. When we sin, there is forgiveness through Jesus our constant Intercessor and Advocate. Do you go to your priest Jesus who intercedes for you and sympathizes with your weaknesses?
As king Christ sits at the right hand of God, crowned in glory as King of kings. He reigns over His church through His Holy Spirit. He sovereignly gives repentance to the impenitent and bestows forgiveness on the guilty. Are you submitting to the rule of your King?