If you are a woman who doubts her value, you’re not alone.
May I begin by stating the obvious? I’m not a woman. Nor have I ever wanted to be one! I’m no authority on women. But after 61 years of marriage and almost 50 years of fatherhood to two daughters, I’ve learned a few things about what makes women tick.
I tell you all this as preamble to a singular point: Women are people of worth and dignity, each one uniquely designed by a loving Creator.
Early in her elementary years, one of our daughters brought home a small, round painted plaque she had fashioned out of clay with an imprint of her hand pressed into it. In art class, she had learned how to mould the clay; wait for it to dry; paint it with soft, subtle colours; and then fire it in the intense heat of a kiln.
She brought her work of art home and handed it to me with pride. In spite of its uneven and imperfect shape, the little plaque sparkled in the sunlight. As I held it gently—my daughter’s eyes anxiously awaiting my approval—I thought, This is how God views you. Exquisitely made and extremely valuable.
“It’s wonderful, Sweetheart!” I declared.
The worth of that sculpted plaque lay not in its outward form, but in the heart of its creator. Sadly, many women have failed to realize the same is true of them.
Our culture bombards women of all ages with hurtful messages about the high value of beauty, glamour, intelligence, extreme fitness, and physical perfection. Unless you’re size six or less, tan and toned, and capable of managing a Fortune 500 company while raising award-winning children, you just don’t measure up.
Thankfully, God has a vastly different perspective—one He reveals to us in His Word. King Solomon, a man of great wisdom, wrote this:
Charm is deceitful, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. (Proverbs 31:30)
Solomon’s words remind us that God puts no premium on externals—not one of those things is lasting. True value comes from the heart of one who fears and follows the Lord.
God created every woman with a unique combination of temperament, interests, abilities, and style that form the basis of a relationship with Him and others. “Every woman” includes you!
No one can take your place. Carefully and painstakingly the Lord moulded and shaped you according to His own design to fulfil His sovereign purposes. He was and is much less concerned about external appearances than the intentions and affections of your heart.
With that in mind, I’d like to offer three reminders to help you keep your focus on God’s design and purpose for you:
- Resist attempts at achieving perfection. Perfectionism is a lie from the Enemy. There’s a vast difference between the world’s standard and God’s. God isn’t interested in your being “perfect.” He wants you to pursue holiness. How? By making a daily commitment to walk in obedience before Him (1 Peter 1:16)
- Remember you’ve been fearfully and wonderfully made according to the plan of your Creator. In eternity past, God ordained you and has now made you into His exquisite creation. You bear the imprint of all His affection (Jeremiah 31:3)
- Remind the younger generation of the rare and enduring virtue of fearing the Lord. There has never been a greater need for teenage girls and young women to have role models who have purposed to fear and serve the Lord (Proverbs 31)
Like my daughter’s little plaque, each of us has an uneven and imperfect shape. We must never forget the pride and joy and love with which the Father has created us. You are His masterpiece, handmade and treasured.
Believe it! And purpose in your heart to follow the Lord today. Then you will be greatly praised.