Resource Library
Video Insights

Video Insights

These engaging, informative vignettes by Chuck Swindoll are bite-sized nuggets of wisdom and humour ranging from doctrinal issues to relationship tips to ways to improve your own attitude and outlook on life.

Videos in this Series

The Thrill of Freedom


Chuck Swindoll revels in the heart-pounding freedom felt by a soul newly released from the shackles of sin. It's a freedom that can never be snatched away again!

Take a Rest

Lots of work with no rest doesn't follow the example God set when He created the heavens and the earth. In this video, Chuck Swindoll focuses on day seven of creation.


Are you crowded by clutter? Is your life jammed with junk? Are the good things keeping you from the best things? In this brief video, Chuck Swindoll encourages you to simplify your life. It’s worth the effort!

Press On

Grinding away at a task—or a relationship—that doesn't seem to be yielding the desired results? Chuck Swindoll has just the words you need to hear to keep working on it in this month's Video Insight.

God With Us


Sometimes our gnawing, spiralling thoughts cause us to lose hold of truths we thought we would never forget. Let Chuck Swindoll remind you of a basic, but crucial, one today.

Walk by Faith

Some people want us to see the world through rose-coloured glasses. Chuck Swindoll describes what it would be like to see life instead through faith-filled glasses.

In the Bleachers

Wondering what you can do as a dad to make the greatest difference in your child's life? Wonder no more, as Chuck Swindoll spells it out for you clearly and removes any doubt.
