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Video Insights

Video Insights

These engaging, informative vignettes by Chuck Swindoll are bite-sized nuggets of wisdom and humour ranging from doctrinal issues to relationship tips to ways to improve your own attitude and outlook on life.

Videos in this Series



Each one of us faces our own kinds of temptations that threaten to lure us away from God's best for us. Chuck Swindoll describes sure ways to resist these lures.

Life Is Not Fair

It’s natural for us to want to be treated fairly by others and to see others receive what they deserve. Chuck Swindoll reminds us of what the Bible says when life doesn’t seem fair.


It’s tempting to give up when a task becomes demanding. But Chuck Swindoll describes here the opposite kind of response—the kind that’s not easily deterred from the goal.

Grace Overshadows Sin


What is it inside us that makes us want to do something even more after we're told we can't? Chuck Swindoll knows what it is, and he also knows the solution.

Daring to Dream

Do you dream while you’re awake? Chuck Swindoll thinks those are the most important kinds of dreams and can even result in some beautiful changes in your life.


Facing a massive project ahead? Having a hard time getting started on it or sticking with it? Chuck Swindoll gives some advice to help you keep plugging away at it.



When you project your future, what is it you fear most? A job loss? A certain diagnosis? A stock market crash? Chuck Swindoll speaks to those fears with some simple words.


Most of us don’t mind helping someone out when we’re asked. But asking them for help can be much harder. Chuck Swindoll explains how seeking help can be really smart.

Best Prayer


There are all kinds of prayers to fit all sorts of occasions. Chuck Swindoll mentions one that's always OK to pray to our understanding God. Maybe you've prayed it before.
