Simple Truths
The book of Proverbs is for people who don’t know a whole lot about living—and that includes us all. It tells us what life is like and how it should be lived. Its contents are timeless, relevant, and easy to understand.
The book of Proverbs is for people who don’t know a whole lot about living—and that includes us all. It tells us what life is like and how it should be lived. Its contents are timeless, relevant, and easy to understand.
More often than not we don’t know what causes people to act how they do. That’s why it’s always appropriate to extend grace. Always.
The Bible tells us to watch for Satan’s attacks because they will come. And when they come, the Bible tells us Jesus in us will give us the strength to resist temptation.
Becoming a faithful and generous follower of Christ does not depend on our accumulation of money as much as it does on our attitude toward money. (Pause and reread that statement.) As we will discover in this lesson, the less we depend on material things to make us happy, the more likely we are to model generosity.
We think of promotions as a positive thing and they usually are, but promotions can also bring devastation to your integrity. Remember when you’re promoted it came by God’s sovereign grace.