After the Ache...Celebrate!
It is essential to enjoy times of refreshment and celebrating. That is what the Jews did when Esther led them to establish the Feast of Purim.
It is essential to enjoy times of refreshment and celebrating. That is what the Jews did when Esther led them to establish the Feast of Purim.
The plot against the Jews failed and the king rewrote his edict. God’s justice may appear slow in coming, but His justice is sure when it comes.
Some things seem impossible. Then the “impossible” occurs. Such is the scene recorded in Esther 8. Those who sat in darkness suddenly saw a great light.
God’s silence should never be interpreted as His absence. Take the story of Esther…Not once is His name mentioned in all 10 chapters of the book, yet none can deny His presence.
The Jews in Persia moved closer toward their doom. As we are going to learn, the Lord intervened in a most unusual manner, and when He did, everything changed.
The evil plan to exterminate the Jews was underway. Nothing visible had given anyone any hope, at least not yet. But remember, God moves in mysterious ways.
The plot is thickening. The Jews have been told that their days are numbered. This called for one person to stand alone in the gap. You guessed it: Esther.
In this message we uncover a wicked scheme designed to exterminate the Jews. We'll discover several lessons which are applicable to this very day.
Esther had a rare blend of beauty, strength, and dignity. The encouragement is that these qualities and characteristics are not unique to Esther.
Chuck Swindoll presents a special edition of Insight for Living. He's sitting down with his good friend, Terry Boyle to give us an insider glimpse of the work God's doing around the world through the ministry.